Friday, July 11, 2014

OCR with Tss4J (wrapper for Tesseract OCR API) - Reading Text (English and Kannad) from Scanned Image and PDF

Recently I got a task in which I had to read text(English and Kannad) from scanned document(Image and PDF), I was searching for JAVA API implementing OCR , finally I found the API Tess4J.
After a lot of R&D(For support of both 32 and 64 bit system), I implemented a solution.

I am sharing the code here.


import net.sourceforge.tess4j.Tesseract;
import net.sourceforge.tess4j.TesseractException;
import net.sourceforge.vietocr.PdfUtilities;

public class OCRKannad {

        * @param args
       public static void main(String[] args) {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              System.out.println("----11111" );
         System.out.println("---->" + args[0]);
                  String str1 = args[0];
                  String textFileFolder = args[1];
                  Tesseract localTesseract = Tesseract.getInstance();
                  File[] arrayOfFile1 = PdfUtilities.convertPdf2Png(new File(str1));
                  for (File localFile : arrayOfFile1)
                      String str2 = localTesseract.doOCR(localFile);
                      Writer out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(
                                new FileOutputStream(textFileFolder), "UTF-8"));
                            try {
                            } catch(Exception ex){
                                   System.out.println("Exception ex "+ex);
                            }finally {
                                try {
                                         } catch (IOException e) {
                    catch (TesseractException localTesseractException)
                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                           // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                     } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                           // TODO Auto-generated catch block


API is available at

For Complete dependency and dll please write to me 

Hope it"ll be helpful , please comment if have any issue.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Synchronizing a static method in java- Thread Communication - wait notify

Static methods synchronize on the class lock. Acquiring and relinquishing a class lock by a thread in order to execute a static synchronized method is analogous to that of an object lock for a synchronized instance method.

A thread acquires the class lock before it can proceed with the execution of any static synchronized method in the class, blocking other threads wishing to execute any static synchronized methods in the same class. 

This does not apply to static, non-synchronized methods, which can be invoked at any time. 
A thread acquiring the lock of a class to execute a static synchronized method has no effect on any thread acquiring the lock on any object of the class to execute a synchronized instance method.
In other words, synchronization of static methods in a class is independent from the synchronization of instance methods on objects of the class. A subclass decides whether the new definition of an inherited synchronized method will remain synchronized in the subclass.

Waiting and Notifying
Waiting and notifying provide means of communication between threads that synchronize on the same object . The threads execute wait() and notify() (or notifyAll()) methods on the shared object for this purpose. 
These final methods are defined in the Object class and, therefore, inherited by all objects. These methods can only be executed on an object whose lock the thread holds (in other words, in synchronized code), otherwise, the call will result in an IllegalMonitorStateException.

final void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException
final void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException
final void wait() throws InterruptedException

A thread invokes the wait() method on the object whose lock it holds. The thread is added to the wait set of the current object.

final void notify()
final void notifyAll()

A thread invokes a notification method on the current object whose lock it
holds to notify thread(s) that are in the wait set of the object.
Communication between threads is facilitated by waiting and notifying, as illustrated
by Figure below.

A thread usually calls the wait() method on the object whose lock it holds because a condition for its continued execution was not met.
The thread leaves the Running state and transits to the Waiting-for notification state. There
it waits for this condition to occur. The thread relinquishes ownership of the object lock.

Transition to the Waiting-for-notification state and relinquishing the object lock are completed as one atomic (non-interruptible) operation. The releasing of the lock of the shared object by the thread allows other threads to run and execute synchronized code on the same object after acquiring its lock. Note that the waiting thread relinquishes only the lock of the object on which the
wait() method was invoked. It does not relinquish any other object locks that it might hold, which will remain locked while the thread is waiting. Each object has a wait set containing threads waiting for notification. Threads in the Waiting-for-notification state are grouped according to the object whose wait() method they invoked.

Figure above shows a thread t that first acquires a lock on the shared object, and afterward invokes the wait() method on the shared object. This relinquishes the object lock and the thread t awaits to be notified. While the thread t is waiting, another thread t can acquire the lock on the shared object for its own purposes. A thread in the Waiting-for-notification state can be awakened by the occurrence of any one of these three incidents:

1. Another thread invokes the notify() method on the object of the waiting
thread, and the waiting thread is selected as the thread to be awakened.
2. The waiting thread times out.
3. Another thread interrupts the waiting thread.

notify() does not release lock, but when  block will complete lock will be released by thread.

Why can't Java constructors be synchronized?

Because synchronized guarantees that actions on the same objects are not to be performed by multiple threads. And when the constructor is called you still don't have the object. It is logically impossible for two threads to access the constructor of the same object.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sorting XML response based on more than one field - Web Experience Factory (Portlet Factory)

I was facing a problem to sort xml response based on more than one field.
Tried to use Transform Sort Builder but unable to implement it.
Finally implemented a solution of writing my custom comparator to sort the XML response.

My Sample XML Response :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Date>06/10/2013 16:14:26</Date>

// Sort Method

public  IXml sort(WebAppAccess webAppAccess, IXml sourceData) {
       System.out.println("!!!!!!In SortInvioceReportLJO.sort 111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
         IXml result = sourceData.cloneElement();
        IXml parent = result;
        // find the elements to be sorted
        List elements = XmlUtil.findElements(parent, "Invoices/Invoice");
        // loop through each element to be sorted
        Iterator iterator = elements.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            IXml element = (IXml);
            // remove the element from its parent element
        // sort the list of elements
       System.out.println("!!!!!!In SortInvioceReportLJO.Collection Sort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
        Collections.sort(elements, new CustomComparator());
        // loop through each element again - in the sorted order now
        iterator = elements.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            IXml element = (IXml);
            // add the element back to its parent element
        System.out.println("!!!!!!Returning from SortInvioceReportLJO.sort== "+result);
        return result;

// Custom Comparator Class

public class CustomComparator implements Comparator {

              public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
                     System.out.println("In CustomComparator compare !!  ");
                     IXml e1;
                     IXml e2;
                     SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
                     int i = 0;
                     if((o1 instanceof IXml) && (o2 instanceof IXml)){
                           e1 = (IXml)o1;
                           e2 = (IXml)o2;
                           System.out.println("In Comparator o1!!! "+o1);
                           System.out.println("In Comparator o2!!! "+o2);
                           i = sdf.parse(e2.getText("Invoice/Date")).compareTo(sdf.parse(e1.getText("Invoice/Date")));
                                  i = (Integer.valueOf((e1.getText("Invoice/InvoiceId")))).compareTo(Integer.valueOf((e2.getText("Invoice/InvoiceId"))));
                           System.out.println("In Comparator i === "+i);
              }catch(ParseException ex){
                     System.out.println("CustomComparator Exception in Parsing !!  "+ex);
                     return i;


Hope it'll be helpful.

Friday, April 25, 2014

JSR 286- A brief study

JSR 286 Features:

One of the major feature added to JSR 286 is communication between Portlets through Eventing and Public Render Parameter.
Following features added to JSR286 are.
1.  Events
2.  Public Render Parameter
3.  Serving Resources
4.  Portlet filters
5.  Cookies, document head section elements, and HTTP headers
6.  Leveraging the servlet life-cycle listeners
7.  Portlet URL listeners
8.  Portlet-managed modes
9.  Container runtime options
10. Java 5 features
a)  Using Generics
b)  Introducing a new enum class for all user profile attributes
c)  GenericPortlet also lets you use the following annotations to make dispatching life-cycle calls to specific handler code easier:
    ProcessAction. This annotation allows you to annotate a method that should process a specific action. To allow dispatching, the Action URL needs to include the parameter javax.portlet.action.
    ProcessEvent. This annotation allows you to annotate methods that should process specific events.
    RenderMode. This annotation allows you to annotate methods that should render a specific portlet mode.

11. New caching features
12. Taglib additions

a)  The define objects tag is now enhanced and gives you the following additional variables beyond the request, response, portletConfig from the V1.0:
b)  portletSession. For access to the portlet-scoped session.
c)  portletSessionScope. For access to the portlet-scoped session attribute key/values map.
d)  portletPreferences. For access to the portlet preferences.
e)  portletPreferencesValues. For access to the portlet preferences key/values map.
f)  Each of the URL generation tags has the following additional attributes:
    copyCurrentRenderParameters. For copying the current private render parameters to the URL.
    escapeXml. For turning the default XML escaping of the URL. As mentioned previously, in JSR 168 it was not defined if a URL is XML-escaped or not. JSR 286 now has defined the same behavior as the Java Standard Tag Library: by default all URLs are escaped, but you can turn it off using the escapeXml attribute.

For action URLs, there is also the additional name attribute that allows you to set the javax.portlet.action parameter that is evaluated by the GenericPortlet for dispatching to the ProcessAction annotated methods.
Other additions made in the JSR 286 specification include these:
Adding a new resourceURL tag for generating resource URLs

Adding the new propertyTag that can be used inside portlet URL tags for attaching properties to URLs

Events: portlet events that a portlet can receive and send
Public Render Parameters: render state that can be shared between portlets

Events in brief

In JSR 168(Portlet 1.0), the only way to achieve eventing between portlets was via portlet session. This was possible between portlets that are in the same webapplication. JSR 286(Portlet 2.0) defines a lifecycle for events and eventing is possible between portlets that are in different web applications.

An event is a life cycle operation that occurs before the rendering phase. Events can be described as a loosely coupled, brokered means of communication between portlets. Events allow portlets to respond on actions or state changes not directly related to an interaction of the user with the portlet.

A portlet can declare events in its deployment descriptor by using the event-definition element in the portlet application section. In the portlet section, each portlet specifies the events it would like to publish through the supported-publishing-event element and the events it would like to process through the supported-processing-event element.

The supported-publishing-event and supported-processing-event elements must reference the event name defined in the portlet application section in a event-definition element.

The portlet creates events using the setEvent() method during action processing. This will be processed by the portlet container after the action processing has finished. Portlets can also create events during event phase by calling setEvent() method on EventResponse.

To receive events, the portlet must implement the javax.Portlet.EventPortlet interface. The portlet container calls the processEvent() method for each event targeted to the portlet with an EventRequest and EventResponse object. The portlet can access the event that triggered the current process event call by using the EventRequest.getEvent() method. This method returns an object of type Event encapsulating the current event name and value.

Event names are represented as QNames to identify them uniquely. The event name can be retrieved by using the getQName() method that returns the complete QName of the event, or by using the getName() method that only returns the local part of the event name. The value of the event must be based on the type defined in the deployment descriptor.

Example of Eventing between two portlets in different war files

Sender Portlet :

<portlet-app xmlns="" version="2.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="">
            <display-name xml:lang="en">SendEvent</display-name>
                  <qname xmlns:customns="http://dtoNS">
            <qname xmlns:customns="http://dtoNS">

 Data Transfer Object:

 * @author saurabh
public class DataTransferObject implements Serializable {
      private String dtoStr;

       * @return the dtoStr
      public String getDtoStr() {
            return dtoStr;

       * @param dtoStr the dtoStr to set
      public void setDtoStr(String dtoStr) {
            this.dtoStr = dtoStr;


 Process Action of Sender
public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws PortletException, {
                  if( request.getParameter(FORM_SUBMIT) != null ) {
                        // Set form text in the session bean
                        SendEventPortletSessionBean sessionBean = getSessionBean(request);
                        if( sessionBean != null )
                  System.out.println("Process Action");
                   System.out.println("!!!!!!!!!!!Event Triggered by portlet!!!!!!!!!");
            //Initialize the fields in the class as per your requirement
         sampleObject = new;
                  QName sampleName = new QName("http://dtoNS", "publishEvent");
                  response.setEvent(sampleName, sampleObject );

Receiver Portlet

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<portlet-app xmlns="" version="2.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="">
                        <display-name xml:lang="en">ReceiverEvent</display-name>
                                    <qname xmlns:customns="http://dtoNS">
                        <qname xmlns:customns="http://dtoNS">


                   * Process an action request.

                   * @see javax.portlet.Portlet#processEvent(javax.portlet.EventRequest, javax.portlet.EventResponse)


                   public void processEvent(EventRequest request, 

                                                EventResponse response) throws 

                                                PortletException, {


                             Event sampleEvent = request.getEvent();

                             if(sampleEvent.getName().toString().equals("publishEvent")) {

                                      Object sampleProcessObject = sampleEvent.getValue();

                                      DataTransferObject transferObject =(DataTransferObject) sampleProcessObject;

                                      PortletSession session = request.getPortletSession();

                                      System.out.println("Process Event");

                                      ReceiverEventPortletSessionBean sessionBean = (ReceiverEventPortletSessionBean)session.getAttribute(SESSION_BEAN);





Public Render Parameter

Public render parameters allow JSR 286 portlets to share navigational state information. They are specially useful for coordinating the multiple navigation or viewer portlets that display different information items that are all related to the same parameter name. The portal stores all portlet render parameters, including public render parameters, as an encoded part of the current portal URL. Therefore public render parameters are correctly preserved by typical browser navigation actions such as Back button and bookmarking.

In order to allow coordination of render parameters with other portlets, within the same portlet application or across portlet applications, the portlet can declare public render parameters in its deployment descriptor using the public-render-parameter element in the portlet application section. Public render parameters are available in all lifecycle methods of the portlet: processAction, processEvent, render, and serveResource. Public render parameters can be viewed and changed by other portlets or components. In the portlet section each portlet can specify the public render parameters it would like to share via the

supported-public-render-parameter element. The supportedpublic-render-parameter element must reference the identifier of a public render parameter defined in the portlet application section in a public-render-parameter element.
The portlet should use the defined public render parameter identifier in its code in order to access the public render parameter.
The portlet container must only send those public render parameters to a portlet which the

portlet has defined support for using supported-public-render-parameter element in the portlet.xml. The portlet container must only share those render parameters of a portlet which the portlet has declared as supported public render parameters using  supported-public-render-parameter element in the portlet.xml.

Portlet 1

 <supported-public-render-parameter> publicparam </supported-public-render-parameter>
<qname xmlns:customns="http://dtoNS ">customns:publicparam </qname>

Portlet 2

 <supported-public-render-parameter> publicparam </supported-public-render-parameter>
<qname xmlns:customns="http://dtoNS ">customns:publicparam </qname>

Set the parameter In processAction, processEvent or serveResource

response.setRenderParameter ("publicparam ", “test”);  // StateAwareResponse

Resource Serving

The resource serving feature provides the ability for a portlet to serve a resource.

Portlets can create two different kinds of resource links in order to serve resources: 

1. Direct links to the resource in the same portlet web application. These links   are 
constructed by the portlet and encoded with the  PortletResponse.encodeURL() method. 
Note that this method might not return a valid URL.  
Direct links are not guaranteed to pass through the portal server and will not have 
the portlet context available.
Direct links should be used for use cases where the access to the portlet context 
and access through the portal is not needed, as they are more efficient than
resource serving requests via resource URLs through the portal

2. Resource URL links pointing back to the portlet. Via these links the 

serveResource method of the ResourceServingPortlet interface is called and
the portlet can serve the resource. Thus resources served via resource URLs may 
be protected by the portal security and can leverage the portlet context. 

Static resources should still be served with direct links in order to allow portal
applications to configure and optimize static resource serving in a consistent


<script type='text/javascript'>
function <portlet:namespace/>setCurrentDateTime() {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readyState == 4) {
var messageText = document.getElementById("<portlet:namespace/>messageText");
messageText.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
var url = '<portlet:resourceURL id="dateTime"/>' + "?fakeId=" + Math.random();"GET", url, true);
<td><b><a href="#" onclick="<portlet:namespace/>setCurrentDateTime();" style="color: black;">Refresh</a></b></td>
<div id="<portlet:namespace/>messageText">


@RequestMapping(value = "VIEW")

public class DateTimeController {

public ModelAndView getDateTime(ResourceRequest request, ResourceResponse response) throws IOException {
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(
"dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss a");
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
request.setAttribute("test", "test123");
request.getPortletSession().setAttribute("test1", "test1");
model.put("dateTime", sdf.format(new Date()));
return new ModelAndView("dateTimeAjax", model);




<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%@ page contentType="text/html" isELIgnored="false" %>
This is from dateTimeAjax.jsp page ::::::

<c:out value="${dateTime}"/>


Portlet Filter in brief

Portlet filter are one of the major feature added on JSR 286. 
A portlet filter is a Java component that can be used to modify portlet request and response before/after any lifecycle method of the portlet is being executed. 
The concept of Portlet filter is same as that of servlet filter. The only difference is that a servlet has only one request handling method i.e. service() method and therefore there is only one type of the servlet filter.
A portlet has four types of request handling methods and therefore there are 4 different types of portlet filters. 
The portlet API defines following interfaces for creating Portlet filter:

javax.portlet.filter.ResourceFilter (for serveResource method)
javax.portlet.filter.RenderFilter (for render method)
javax.portlet.filter.ActionFilter (for processAction method)
javax.portlet.filter.EventFilter (for processEvent method)

The portlet filter programming model is modeled on the servlet filter model:
1.     Define the filters in the deployment descriptor. This definition is done using the <filter> element, where you also need to state the life-cycle call to which the filter should be applied.
2.     Implement the corresponding Filter interface in your filter. You can also list multiple life-cycle entries and implement multiple Filter interfaces with your class.
3.     Provide a filter-mapping element where you describe to which portlets your filter should be applied (you can also use an asterisk as a wildcard if it should be applied to all portlets in the application).

A single filter class can provide filter functionality for more than one lifecycle methods and also a single filter can provide filter functionality for more than one portlet. There can be multiple filter associated with one lifecycle method of a portlet. The javax.portlet.filter.FilterChain class (created by Portlet container) is used to invoke the sequence of filters applicable for a particular lifecycle method of a portlet. The doFilter() method of a portlet filter may create customized request and response objects by using \*RequestWrapper and \*ResponseWrapper classes and passing these wrappers to the doFilter() method of FilterChain.

In order to write a portlet filter, the developer is required to do the folowing 2 things :

1) Write a filter class - A filter class should implement one or more of the above mentioned four interfaces and should provide a no argument public constructor. The filter class is also required to override init() and destroy() method of javax.portlet.filter.PortletFilter interface.

2) Add entry of filter in portlet.xml - After writing a portlet filter class, it can be configured by adding following 2 xml fragements in portlet.xml.

<value>Filter 1 - portlet-container 2.0 Filter demo :)</value>



* @author Saurabh.srivastava
public class RenderFilterOne implements RenderFilter, ActionFilter {

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see javax.portlet.filter.RenderFilter#doFilter(javax.portlet.RenderRequest, javax.portlet.RenderResponse, javax.portlet.filter.FilterChain)
      public void doFilter(RenderRequest req, RenderResponse res,
                  FilterChain chain) throws IOException, PortletException {
            chain.doFilter(req, res);


      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see javax.portlet.filter.PortletFilter#destroy()
      public void destroy() {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see javax.portlet.filter.PortletFilter#init(javax.portlet.filter.FilterConfig)
      public void init(FilterConfig arg0) throws PortletException {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see javax.portlet.filter.ActionFilter#doFilter(javax.portlet.ActionRequest, javax.portlet.ActionResponse, javax.portlet.filter.FilterChain)
      public void doFilter(ActionRequest req, ActionResponse res,
                  FilterChain chain) throws IOException, PortletException {
            chain.doFilter(req, res);

The first xml fragment defines a filter by providing a logical name to it. It tell portlet container about the filter class and the lifecycle phases supported by it. You can specify initialization parameters also.

The Second xml fragment specifies the portlet(s) for which this filter will be applicable. You can specify a single portlet name or mapping to a group of portlets using the ‘\*’ as a wildcard.

Portlet URL listeners

In some cases, you may want to centrally manage setting specific properties on portlet URLs or to enhance the portlet URL creation of existing portlets. One example involves implementing a mapping of resources to shared IDs. You implement this mapping only once in the listener, and the listener checks if the resource URL is targeting a resource for which a shared QName exists and then sets the SHARED property with the corresponding QName. For these use cases, the JSR 286 specification gives you the portlet URL listeners.

Container runtime options
Container runtime options allow the portlet to supply specific options to the portlet container that either change default behavior defined in the Java Portlet Specification or add additional behaviors. JSR 286 defines a list of container runtime options that are all optional except for actionScopedRequestAttributes. javax.portlet.escapeXml. Allows you to turn off the XML escaping of portlet URLs for each default, in case you have written a JSR 168 portlet that assumes that URLs are not XML escaped and have migrated this to a JSR 286 portlet.

·         javax.portlet.renderHeaders. Enables the two-part rendering mechanism that lets you set headers in streaming-based portal implementations.

·         javax.portlet.servletDefaultSessionScope. Allows you to change the default scope of the session object provided to servlets or JSPs that are called from the portlet through forward or include from application scope to portlet scope. That way, these resources access the same session data using portlet and servlet APIs, which is particularly convenient if your JSPs are written for a servlet-based Web framework.

·         javax.portlet.actionScopedRequestAttributes. Allows Web frameworks to pass complex objects from the action or event phase to the render phase through the request. You are able to access these attributes until the next request with an action semantic (which may be an action triggered through an Action URL or an event) occurs. This feature likely is implemented by the portlet container by storing these attributes in the session. Therefore, use this feature only if you cannot avoid it, as it will probably cause some performance degradation. This option is the only one that JSR 286 requires to be supported by all containers.
Enable two phase rendering in portlet
To overcome the problem that version 1.0 faced with contributing content outside the current portlet window, version 2.0 added a two-part render call:
  1. RENDER_HEADER part that allows the portlet to return content outside the current portlet window such as portlet title, preferred next possible portlet modes, cookies, document head section elements, and HTTP headers.
  2. RENDER_MARKUP part that allows the portlet to return its normal markup.

Starting from JSR 286 (Portlet Specification 2.0), portlets support two phase rendering and it defines doHeaders() method that you can implement if you want to do one of the following things
·                     Change title of the portal page
·                     Add header
·                     Add cookie
The two phase request processing is disabled by default, you can enable it by setting value of javax.portlet.renderHeaders container run time option to true like this

protected void doHeaders(RenderRequest renderRequest,
                  RenderResponse renderResponse){
                  //Setting cookie
                  Cookie cssKeyCookie = new Cookie(“Key”, “Value”);

JSR 286 Specification :